Monday, June 27, 2011

Music for Kids!

Stimulating your children's  creativity is one of the best ways to prime them for life. A life of ups and downs and unexpected twists and turns can leave a person at a dead end. Creativity has helped me achieve flexibility in my life and see a way out of that dead end. When situations get me down I'm able to put on my creative thinking cap and view things in different light. Being creative has sped up my response time and kept me in the "here and now". Playing music has even kept me out of trouble!

It helps to be flexible in your thought when creating music. When learning to play music I quickly found out that if I stuck to rigid thought patterns and rigid body movements the music would not flow and my creativity could not blossom. When I relaxed body and mind the music would work wonders. This, of course, helped me in all areas of my life. When I could relax in times of strife then it was easier for me to assess the situation and do something about it.

When playing music one must be in the moment and present with what is happening around them. This fosters an ability to be in the here and now which has a direct positive impact on all areas of life. I can think quicker in the moment, act faster in situations that call for quick action and be more observant with what is happening around me. It's like having a meditation practice without having to meditate! 

When I was in Junior High school I had plenty of opportunity to get in with the "bad crowd" but playing music kept me focused and playing in the school band kept me in good social status so I didn't feel drawn into rebellious activity.

I believe having a creative outlet such as music has directly affected the quality of my life for the better. I have made music a large part of my life but even if your child does not choose music the creative skills learned through music can be put to use in all areas as he/she grows up.

Fender Deal of the Month!

Free Picks, Gig Bag, Strap and Cable with every Fender Strat Guitar. Great for Teens!
Check 'em out here

Friday, June 24, 2011

Mozart Effect

The "Mozart Effect" indicates that listening to Mozart's music can make you smarter.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why Music for Kids?

Why music for kids? Do you want to foster creativity and at the same time promote math? By teaching music you do both these things!
Playing music is a very creative process. But playing music is also a mathematical process. You don’t even have to read music to get the benefits of the mathematical process involved in music. Music is laid out in order.  Even on a very simple level all songs have a verse, chorus and usually a bridge. Although these fall in varying order they create a whole as in 1 +1 = 2.  Verse + Chorus+Verse+Bridge+Verse = Song or some form of this equals a song. It is very mathematical.
So, you can teach creativity and math at the same time. Who says the three “r’s” doesn’t include music? The three “r’s” should include the “s” in the acronym for reading, writing, arithmetic and song! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Habit of Listening to Music

Those who form the habit of hearing good music in their homes find their greatest pleasure in the discovery of permanent beauty. - Sigmund Spaeth

Passion = Music = Passion

I believe if kids learn the art of creating music then they have the opportunity to release and spread passion with it later in life. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer Specials!

Summer Specials Click Here

Music For Kids has partnered with Next Guru a site connecting music instructors and students!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Playing Mazzaco winery in healdsburg 6 -8 tonight. Friday.